Sunday, May 22, 2011

Chapter 10

Another important topic to discuss is the topic of following self. We must do whatever will make us happiest at each given moment. It is in keeping happiest that you are connecting to God. And it is through this connection, to peace, that the inner spirit is transforming your life. When we live someone else’s life, we never find our true potential.

Bruce and Mary wanted their son Isaac to go to school for Business, but Isaac had other things in mind. He was an artist, and this is what he loved to do the most. Although his parents asked him to major in business he chose art instead; he followed his inner guide and became one of the most well known artists in the country.

What would have happened if Isaac decided to follow his parent’s wishes, although he had those strong feelings to go ahead with the art major?

If we are forced into doing things because of a set of rules, or what others want from us, rather than following our inner guide, we will never reach this peace or happiness that we want to maintain. We must be the ones to decide what is right and wrong for us. We must remember that we are all individuals. If we conform to other beliefs, Gods true wonders can never manifest in our lives.

No matter where you go in this world, there will be someone who doesn’t like what you do. They will take any chance they can to judge you for your actions, or for what you believe in. Most of the time, it is due to fear, fear in the unknown. Fear of separation. If you are doing something that they see as wrong, they don’t like it, and they look at it negatively. But don’t let that stop you. Even if it’s the most insane thing that you can think of, for e.g.: quitting your job to live in a monastery, then do it! Don’t let what others think about your actions rule you. For if you do, your highest good will never be attained; and not only that, you will never be happy.

Never let anyone stop you from doing what it is that makes you happy. Who said you can’t sit in a room and sing all day? Who set up those rules? Rules are set up in every aspect of life, including those that keep you from happiness. For e.g.: Some people find it weird that a person spends his whole lunch hour outside listening to music, all by themselves.  They disagree with it. But who cares what others think!! Do what it is that makes you happy. It is through this happiness that you will become the best you can be. Walk in that knowing that you are being led by you, and not the demands of those around you.

Find out who you are. Don’t be afraid to be open, and research new things, even if the people around you may not agree. Release inhibitions and be free!!

With billions of people on this earth the only thing that should be universal are the basic morals and values of life; honesty, integrity, trust. All forms of love. One of the reasons that we don’t do things that would make us happy is because of what we think others will think of us, if we do them. We are all individual aspects of spirituality. Each and every one of us has certain attributes about us that make us a little bit different from the next. It is important that when you are discovering who you are, that you remember this. Never deny yourself, or feel that you are strange. Never allow yourself to think that there is something wrong with the way that you are, or what you do. You are perfect just as you are. You are perfection. Remember that.

Part of finding out who you are is learning to allow your inner consciousness to manifest itself. Whenever you have something inside of you pushing you to do something, do it. Never ignore yourself. We all have a guide within that pushes us to greatness. The problem is, many times we ignore it due to people’s opinions as well as our own negative thoughts on it. Learn to become accustom to that feeling of that inner consciousness.
The best way to be accustomed to it is to listen. When you get a feeling to do something or not do something, then listen! Get to the point where you can trust your instincts because of the practice that you have.

Listen when your inside says, “stop and get gas.” Listen when you are told, “don’t go that way.” Stay away from those that give you that feeling, to stay away from. These examples are part of a plethora of life experience that can move you towards your highest good, if you only allow it. But the key is, practice. And yes, the thoughts of the mind may get mixed in there, especially in the beginning, when we don’t have the practice of understanding which is which, truth from lie. But with an eye on the goal, you can achieve mastery of your life. You can be all that you want. You can achieve happiness.

Please understand that I am not advising you to act on impulse, but out of consciousness. Impulse & consciousness are two different things. Impulse is seeing the number of a house at the races and betting due to having that favorite number. Consciousness is a feeling that comes from within. It’s like a child that pulls on the bottom of your pant leg & doesn’t leave you alone until you give him the attention he craves. This happens on a daily basis. Practice until recognize that feeling of guidance.

One idea that we give people is to go ahead and obtain a visual of what that spirit within looks like. This visualizing may make this guidance, or spirit within even more real to you.

Personalizing that inner God makes the connection stronger. It’s like meeting someone on the internet in a chat room. You meet them, you chat for a while, and you find out who that person is; yet, you never put a face to the person, because you’ve never seen them.

This is the point of those that set up pictures of God. Their connection to God is affirmed. To walk in faith at an onset of belief, is not an easy path. There must be something to push you forward. Faith is a great thing, but at times, faith can waver. Having that face can personalize it to the point where you feel as if he is more real. Whether it be Shiva, Buddha, Jesus, the holy spirit, or any other divine image, there must be a connection. And this connection will help to create that feeling of togetherness with God; Oneness.

When Amanda first started to connect with the spirit within, she came across a set of cards with a picture of a beautiful Goddess, Sita. She fell in love with Sita, and from then on she started to see her spirit within as Sita. Whenever she meditated and recognized that energy, it was Sita that she was recognizing- her own connection to God.

A piece of God is within you. By forming a bond with a picture of the God within, you are connecting not only in spirit, but with mind as well.

You don’t even need to choose a visual if you don’t want. Just allow whatever is natural to come through. It should be what allows you to feel closer to the God within. In the beginning, it will be so new to even think about. The visualization can help immensely. Whatever you do, don’t force anything; just allow whatever is natural to come through. When you see it, you will know.

It is only with a free mind that one will be lead to complete and true happiness. As you walk forward with your day, try your best to act out of self, rather than what others think is right for you. Strive forward in strength and power; feet firmly on the ground with the realization that you are in charge of your life. And there will never be any regrets. Only true knowing that you did everything you ever wanted to do. You were a manifestation of the God within.

Copyright © Tibu Thomas, INDIA (Tenny).

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