Sunday, May 8, 2011

Chapter 6

The constant states of peace and happiness are natural within us. But to be in the state of constant happiness, is not an easy task. It takes hard work, and a knowing that it is possible.

In order to be completely connected to spirit, we must get rid of the notion of conditional love. Conditional love is not of God. Love is love. The mind is what sets up conditions for love. Conditional love is a treaty, and love is never a treaty. Love is divine; it is direct connection to the Supreme Being. Love is what gives energy to our lives.

For example, many think that with love comes complete obedience. As long as we follow the rules set up by our family, religious teachers and any other within our society with out question, then we love those people.  But this is not the case.  Love does not put forward any conditions.

Laura has a daughter, her name is Susan. Susan falls in love with a man from another country. Susan lets her mother know that she intends on marrying this man. Laura forbids it. Susan marries him anyway. Laura gets upset and stops talking to her. They don’t talk for years, as Laura’s mind has caused her to believe that Susan does not love her, for if Susan loved her, she would have followed her rules.

Do you see how her brain made her believe in something other than the truth? That Susan does not love her mother. Laura’s mind was in full control in this situation. This “lack of love” happens everywhere. The mind is in constant control. To get out of its grasp and fall back into spirit, what you really are, you must learn to love purely. For if you love with conditions you will never find true peace and happiness.

To love someone means that you don’t need to agree with that person. It means that even if that person hurts you, does not agree with your truth, you still love that person.

Loving is the simple act of loving. You don’t need to know a person to love them. Why? Because this signifies that you have to be in agreement with who they are, and what they believe in, in order to love them. This is not the way you naturally are. The mind is what gives you the illusion that you are this way.

Notice how good it feels to love someone, or to be loved by someone. How do you feel when you feed your pet, or hug your sister? It feels good doesn’t it? It raises your spirits, and it brings you into a state that you enjoy being in. This state is God. No matter what part of love that you happen to be sharing, this love is God. Remember that; God is love, and love is God. Love brings us close to God as it is direct connection to spirit. This connection requires no use of the mind. When the mind comes in between, it takes us away from that being. To decrease the power of the mind and in turn increase the power of our natural selves, spirit, we must sit in this love as much as we possibly can.

Try your best to become as a child. Be innocence, purity, and love. Realize your God self, and go with it. If you fall, get back up. The road to perfection is never easy. But knowing that you are being the best you, you can possible be, keeps you walking with your head up.

You have heard the saying “you can’t love someone, if you can’t love yourself” right? Well there is plenty of truth to that. Love is something that is pure and untainted. Love is God, and God is pure, untainted, happiness, pure motivation, and pure positivism. To have that true pure love you must be able to let go of all negativisms, towards self, and towards others. Keep on your guard to stopping them in their tracks when they do appear. This drop of love is within all of us, but because of the mind it is never allowed to remain pure and true, with only the happiness that is created from it.

When you can love yourself, you can truly love another. How can you not see the “imperfections” of another, when you see them in your self? And look at that vice versa. How can you see the perfection within yourself if you only see imperfection within others? There are differences in all of us, uniqueness. Love yourself through every stage you go through; fat, skinny, student, or teacher. Enjoy each and every experience. How is it to live life as a boss? A worker? A student? A Christian? A Pagan? We are all actors on a stage. Love it! Treasure it! Embrace it! Embrace change. Embrace life. This is God within expressing himself.

Experience yourself as you truly are; allow yourself to love with all that you are, everyone you come across, no matter their beliefs, their cultures or their races. Love freely. This is the love that God has for you.

The true state of being is love. That love includes happiness and peace. When we are living life free of drama and upset, free to do what we want without inhibitions, then we know that we are walking in spirit. Right now suffering is natural to many, but with the practice of putting the mind on pause, we can over come this pain. 

Pain is caused by the minds reactions to so many things, including guilt. Because of guilt for things that we perceive to have been sinful, or frowned upon by God, we look for forgiveness. Asking forgiveness of God is a way of getting rid of putting the mind on pause; a way to connect to God. Think about it. When you repent from your sins, you are telling yourself, I am not that person any more; I am not that “evil doer.” The thing is God doesn’t judge us. He doesn’t care. What he wants is for you to experience this life. But because the mind is so strong, we need an outlet to release it, a way to let go. We believe that we are sinners and need forgiveness. But in reality, forgiveness and love are one in the same. With true love, there is no need for forgiveness. It plays no role in our lives from the view point of God. In Gods eyes, he sees us as he is; pure love. The only difference, we are guided by falsehood with the allowance of the mind and its tricks to step forth. So all that we can do, and all others do in regards to sin, is try to calm the brain.

We conduct rituals, and pray for a release of the guilt we hold inside of our selves. But, if God is love, is there need for forgiveness? Is there need for repentance? How can there be if God’s love is unconditional? Let’s not forget our purpose here, to experience and grow. Why would we need to feel guilty about something we have done? Guilt is yet another of the brains most powerful allies in keeping its self busy. When we realize that we are here in order to become the best that we can through experience, we realize that there is no need for guilt. If we do something that goes against who we are, we simply remember not to do it again. Unconditionally loving ourselves requires the release of that guilt.

Forgiveness serves to connect us to the divine through the use of release, and calming of the overworking of the mind. When we can truly love our selves, we will see that forgiveness is an automatic. There is no such word in Gods vocabulary; only love. And love holds no negativisms, only pure light. We must walk in light with ourselves, before we can walk in light with others. By realizing that there is no need to be forgiven, you are allotting yourself true love; love that will not allow guilt or anxiety, a love that knows only peace.

But until then, make it a daily habit to forgive yourself for doing those things that you deem wrong in you or Gods eyes. Allow yourself to walk through it without pain. Forgive yourself for the past. Why bother thinking about it? It does no good for you to stress something that’s already happened. Just let it go!  You will see that the connection grows stronger, day by day. Until one moment forgiveness becomes automatic.

Remember why we must turn to peace in order to stay connected. God is peace. He holds no thoughts of guilt, fear, or negativity.  And for one to be love, he must foster peace. If you have wronged yourself, don’t sit in guilt. Forgive yourself, and walk forward, telling yourself that is not who you are. You won’t do it again. But, let go of it.

Not only must we let go of guilt or resentment of self, but we must let go of resentment towards others as well. Forgiveness comes easy once you realize that holding resentment towards someone is the trick of the mind to hold control, and you practice automatic release of that resentment. Realize that that person was doing what he or she thought was right at the time, and let go of it. Before you let go, just make sure you let them know that they hurt you; never hold back on communicating with the people around you.  That person must know how you feel, so that they have the chance to act upon it. The majority of the world does not know how to read minds. How will we ever forget the past, if that person has no clue, about how we feel? It will sit and ferment into hate eventually. Does that make sense? Think about it. This person did something that caused you pain; inadvertently, not meaning so; simply reacting to their own minds reactions to a situation at that time.

Craig and Joshua are best friends and work together in a high rise apartment building in Manhattan. Every day Joshua picks Craig up on his way to work in order to save money on the gas. For weeks this is done, and Craig contributes nothing to the gas fund. Day by day, Joshua gets more upset. He talks to his wife about it and she advises him to talk to Craig about it. Joshua feels he shouldn’t have to, as this is something that a person with common sense should know. Finally Joshua can’t take it anymore, and asks Craig why he never contributes anything towards the gas bill. Craig apologizes to him, and lets him know that he is completely broke right now, but he planned on paying him for all the weeks he was taking him with his bonus check coming up that Friday. Craig tells Joshua that he simply forgot to tell him about it, as so much is going on at home with the divorce he’s going through.

We are perceivers of the world, through our own eyes. Half of the time, we are so involved in our thoughts that we never take into account, the feelings and thoughts of the other person at that time. This would make things so much clearer, if we could just sit in their shoes, and try to figure out why it was done in the first place.

But even if you don’t want to go through all of these processes, make sure you release that pain, and allow yourself to move on. You can write a fictional letter to the person and then tear it up, or you can get into some active visualization in order to let it go. I will discuss more about active visualization later. Just remember who you are. You are love. To be love, equates to lack of guilt and lack of resentment. Practice the power of putting the mind on pause when ever negativity comes creeping in.

Copyright © Tibu Thomas, INDIA (Tenny).

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