Friday, May 6, 2011

Chapter 3

One has to get past the mind, in order to pass fear and emotion. Remember, God is all that the body is not. Right now, as you read these very words or my earlier words, your mind may be working full time to discredit these teachings. The only way that we can open our eyes truly, is to realize that the mind is the disconnection we have with spirit. The mind is not who you are. You are spirit. The mind loves to analyze, it loves to work. Mind is God’s miracle, definitely. But it works too well.

The reason is because we have trained it to be this way. Since childhood we separated our selves from spirit. The mind started off with a thought, and we unknowingly, allowed it to continue analyzing that thought. We allowed it to keep working. So now, many years later, the mind is conditioned to analyze to the point of no return.

A thought enters, and bam! There goes our attention for the next several minutes. That very thought will be dissected to the point where every possible possibility has been analyzed. The mind, does not forgo thought. It utilizes every single opportunity to be the center of attention. Why? Because we taught it to! It is only doing what we allow it to.

The worst part is, the mind chooses the easiest and most substantial route to thought; negativity. Whenever we think negatively about something, we can sit for hours on end with that thought? Why? Because once a negative thought is formed, another takes it’s place.

Maya is on the way to the store. As she takes the steps from the car to the store she passes a window and takes notice of her reflection. Upon seeing her reflection, she notices that her hair has come out of place. She can not turn back as the store will close.

The mind has begun its work. Maya’s first thought, “Oh gosh! I look terrible!” The entire time she is in the store, all she can think about is how terrible she looks. She passes a couple and hears them giggle. Her brain automatically assumes they are laughing at her hair. In reality they are giggling about a scene in the movie that they just got out of. Now she is experiencing hate, (for those supposedly laughing at her) and worry, about those that haven’t seen her and she just knows will laugh. The entire time in the store is spent in pain. Now, she leaves the store and experiences nothing but embarrassment for what has gone on. For hours she sits in this pain.--

Do you see how the mind did that? It chose to think in the negative. This is how it gets the most work done! Imagine if she had thought positive? Here’s the alternative.

Upon noticing her hair not as perfect as she likes, Maya thinks to herself, it’s really not that bad. Not perfect, but not bad either. She goes into the store, hears the couple giggle and smiles to herself as it reminds her of when she and her boyfriend are together. She walks out of the store and heads home with a smile.

You see my point? The mind thrives on negativity. If it were to sit in the positive, it gets so much less working opportunity.

The mind can be placed on pause whenever we choose. If the mind is being used only when absolutely necessary, for those things requiring the use of the mind, the mind will sit by with nothing to do! What does that mean? You will experience the only two states of being that are left; peace and happiness. Connection! When the mind has nothing left to do, spirit is the only thing that comes thru.

Thought is necessary only when it works toward helping you or helping others; only when it allows you to grow.  Remember this. This is your key to connection; connection to the God within.

Copyright © Tibu Thomas, INDIA (Tenny).

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