Friday, May 6, 2011

Chapter 4

There are three states of being that keep us in constant connection to God; love, peace and happiness. Love, peace and happiness; reminds me of the movies showing the 60’s when hippies walked around showing the peace sign everywhere they went. It was a beginning to realizing the importance of just walking in spirit; although not many realized it at the time.

To be at peace with yourself and everyone around you becomes possible when you don’t allow your mind to tell your body how to react. To remain in peace is to remove all negativity from thought. To truly experience the power of peace, is to know that you are not your mind, and you never let your mind convince you otherwise.

Those that walk in peace are those that stay in higher levels of thought; those higher levels meaning non-thought, or positive thought. In order to experience God you must not allow yourself to think on lower levels.

All thought removes you from peace. This is one of the biggest reasons that many monks or ascetics live in silence. They recognize that spirit within, and they know that talking and thought remove them from it. They have made a choice to be in this stillness on a permanent basis.

Always remember the goal; to walk in peace, stillness and contentment with the world. Don’t let things bother you. Live life knowing that all is well with the world; notice the truth that all is perfect just as it is.

To better help understand disconnection from God let’s look at those major things that take us away from peace. One of the strongest disturbances to our peace is the concept of separation.

The illusion of separation is one of those things that the mind loves to create! Why? Because it creates mountains upon mountains of thoughts! The mind causes the illusion that we are separate in one way or another. Whether it is through race, religion, birthplace or school, the topics are innumerable!

One topic is the illusion of “truth”. Is there such thing as a set truth? The mind tries its best to convince us there is. I mean think about it; Each and every one of us is taught a certain way of being, a certain set path of beliefs during childhood. As we grow, we tend to believe that this belief system is the only way to live. This is the only correct path.

There are two problems with this. The first is it creates the illusion that one person is not equal to another person because of the beliefs that he or she has. Many people allow their mind to create this illusion of division without realizing that it comes as a result of the power of the mind to overcome who you really are; one with all that is around you.

One thing you must remember as you walk forward on your path to connection is that there are no concrete truths. What you believe is what you believe, and what others believe is just as true to them as your truth is to you.

Believing that you are the only one that holds the truth causes separation from others which in essence, causes separation from self. Can you honestly say that you love someone, if you feel that you are inferior to them? Believing that your “truth” is better than their “truth” is a statement that you are better then they are because your thought holds more weight.  Life is not about comparing and exacts. Life is about experiencing. Your experience is different from theirs. Does this mean its wrong? No! It’s just theirs. Remember this. Don’t let your mind convince you otherwise.

The second problem created by this concept of a set truth, is that it stops you from growing to your full potential. Believing that there is only one way of being prohibits you from becoming the best that you can be. And that is the point isn’t it? To become the best that you can be while you are on this earth?

If you don’t hold an open mind, then how can you ever test all that life presents you? How can you ever truly know who it is that you are, if you hold on to your past, and never allow yourself to go thru a new set of being? Not that there is anything wrong with who you are. You are perfect! Your beliefs are perfect. What I am saying is don’t let the mind be in control of your spirit. Many times we have inkling to try something new, but because of the fact that we have learned something already, we stop ourselves short. Growth is halted. The mind uses its analytical power to stop us from doing what we want to do. Most of the time, this is due to fear. But I will get more into that later on.

Life is about experiencing and exploration. In order to find peace, we have to break down the walls of conditioning. We have to explore within. By allowing ones self to become closed to listening to another’s experiences or truths, a conclusion is formed.

‘Jess, I was studying some methods from Buddhism that I think is so cool. They talk all about ways to feel at peace. Jess replies, ‘My religion teaches me all that I need to know.’

How can you ever experience anything if you have a set of beliefs that you go by? On your journey of becoming the best that you can be, don’t allow the mind to prohibit you from experiencing all that life has to offer. Remain open minded. The mind loves to make you believe that you have learned the “truth”. This way, you don’t grow. Growth is change. Growth is trying new things. Growth is becoming one with everything around you. Growth is becoming the best that you can be.

The mind is its own entity. Remember this. In order to be spirit, you have to allow spirit to come thru. Break down the barrier to God by exploring your inner self; your spirit, who it is you really are.

When you explore your inner self, allow yourself to be whatever it is spirit is pushing you to be. Find out who it is you are, and don’t allow the mind to interfere. You are a creature of God. You are capable of doing miraculous things while you are here on this earth. In order to do these things you need to follow your inner self.

When you do look within, do so without any single set of beliefs; because what you may find within may be completely against what you have believed previously. Explore your true self with the innocence of a child. A child doesn’t know anything and it learns things with an open heart. That innocence is very important to a person’s growth. So try to drop all beliefs; drop all of the things that others have taught you, and look within. Keep looking. Look until the day you die. This is how you learn. This is how you grow.

Most “truth” is truth that has been passed on from generation to generation. Each generation is just going by what they have heard from another because it makes some kind of sense. Either that or they are afraid to think differently (more about that later). Many don’t learn these truths on their own, thru experience. This is the pitfall. This is why many never experience oneness with God. Because they themselves are stopping themselves short.

Everyone on this earth has to discover his or her own truth. Even the truths that you are reading about right now can not be truths to you unless they are tried and tested. They are simply borrowed from me. But they can guide you to finding your truth, as long as you allow yourself to test it. How will you know if this is truth if you don’t allow yourself to apply it to situations?

Do you need proof that this can be done? Just look into the lives of Jesus, Ramana Maharshi or Buddha. These people found their spirit and allowed it to push them forward into greatness. They are proof that oneness with God is possible! They put their mind on pause, and let the spirit be the guide! They became the spirit; the god.

Those that allow the mind to stay in control will never experience oneness with anything, or any one. How can you ever be at peace on a constant basis if you allow the mind to continue with its illusions of division and separation? You can not. The barriers remain.

Another concept we must look at that removes us from our peace is the concept of fear.

What exactly is fear? Fear is a state of being which causes one to worry about the future, which in turn creates anxiety and stress; disconnection from peace, which in turn disconnects you from spirit. Fear can be created by almost anything and everything; financial issues, relationships, work, religious, and life in general.

Fear is state of being that does nothing for you. Rather than allow you to grow, it takes away from that process, creating anxiety and worry. It causes you to sit in idleness, or to regress into a past state of being. Fear is one of the most common causes of separation. You cannot be one with God, as you sit in fear and getting over fear is one of the hardest things to do, if you don’t know how to do it.

Before we work on taking fear out of the equation, let’s touch upon some of those topics in which create it. The first topic is the topic of religion.

Most of what people believe is a result of how they are brought up. If a person is born into a Christian family, then he will be raised with Christian beliefs. If he is born into a Hindu family, then he will be raised with Hindu beliefs. These beliefs can be wonderful tools to bring you into knowing God, but they can also pose as a hindrance. They are a manifestation of one individual who found the path to happiness from his own perspective. But one thing we must remember is we are all individuals. We can not set one set of rules for everyone. Religions separate you from your true self because it imposes rules on you that you may not want to follow. Rather than allowing you to grow, this religion actually keeps you in idle. Religions actually stop you from experiencing life. How do we grow if we don’t experience?

If you don’t have an open mind, you will never become one with God, at least on a permanent basis. You may have your moments, especially when you sit in love, in peace, in silence. This set of beliefs gives the mind plenty of thoughts which in turn set up pretty strong barriers to the God within. I mean think about it. We are used to thinking a certain way. In order to become one with God, one must have an open mind.  Many are born into beliefs and follow it all thru their lifetime without opening themselves to other ways of thinking. How will he ever truly experience this way? How do you know that that other truths are not your truth as well, if you don’t even allow yourself to experience them?

As mentioned, the mind will try its hardest to be always working. This working keeps you separated from the God within.

The mind covers all bases. It will find anything and everything to work on. Most of the time, it chooses thought produced thru guilt, sin, pain, and most of all fear. These are not easy to touch upon topics. Fear is one of the most painful causing emotions produced.  When we speak of fear, we must remember that it is a method of disconnecting from God. And that is all that it is.

The use of religion is one of strongest holds on disconnection from spirit, because religion advocates fear; fear of hell, fear of condemnation, and worst of all fear of lack of love from God. How can we ever be at peace if we are scared? Without this fear, one will eventually open their minds up to other things out there.

We tend to look at God as a parent figure. Parents always set up rules, and punish us if we don’t follow them. So many believe that God will deny them if they break his “rules.” But how can this be? How can God be of love, and say, “you are not my child?” Do you tell your child that he is not yours because he broke curfew? How is God any different? How can God deny you due to something you with your free will that he has given you, chosen to practice? How my friend? How? It’s such a vicious cycle.

When you do things that are against your particular religious practice, you are creating an imbalance within your happiness, because on one hand you want to, let’s say, have a drink of beer. But your religion tells you, “no!” To be pure, you must abstain from alcohol. So then what happens? You decide to take the drink anyway, and as a result, guilt forms. Guilt stemming from what you perceive to be a disconnection from God, because now, how can God love you if you are breaking his rules?

You end up liking the beer, all the while drinking and staying disconnected from God because you think that he won’t love you as a result. Eventually as time passes, you don’t even go to church anymore, you don’t even call his name. The grandest version of you can never be released.

You are at the nexus of reality. You hold on one side; God. God with rules and regulations, and on the other, you see a world full of emotional and physical happiness, but no spiritual. All because of religious dogma that has been instilled in you from someone else’s truth. And now, now you don’t even have a God. All because of the guilt received from following your true nature, your true self; your true road to happiness. At that moment you chose beer, and in your subconscious you equated that to denial of God. But beloved, this is not so. You must not think this way. For God loves you and he do not want you to leave him. He will love you no matter what you do.

Many times we follow these rules blindly with a hidden resentment towards them. What sense does it make to live within religious structures that you are angry with? You have to constantly lie to yourself just to free yourself from the guilt associated with living the life that your natural state wants to live. All this because of the fact that these religions are not who it is you are. And lets just say that you don’t lie to yourself, you do what you want, but still go thru the guilt of “knowing,” that you are going against your religious practices and laws. You live the life that you want to live, yet something in the back of your mind is constantly berating you and making you feel as if you are doomed to hell. Never can you grow from these experiences for you are like a starving child, grasping at food as if there will never be another morsel.

Just as God, you are love. The only reason for this life is to experience. It is to find the individual god within you; to find out who you are. You are meant to be a beacon to the world, an example for all.

It is your responsibility to be the best that you can be, so that you can be that example for the rest of the world. We need to come together and make the changes to shift our selves to a new consciousness.  We need to create a world of peace, a world of love, happiness and mercy.

It is only through the experiencing of all situations that we can find out who we are. It is your responsibility, it is your duty, and it is your goal. The only thing accomplished by borrowing someone else’s truth is suicide. You have wasted your life. You never even gave your self its’ chance to shine. You locked your inner self away from the world without ever even opening the door, to see what lies on the other side.

And what a door it is; one leading to truth, to love, to pure consciousness. Once you have crossed the threshold beloved, you will never turn back. But the thing is you must muster up the courage to see all that is in store for you! You must see it from within!

Now let’s turn the table for a minute, and look at it from a different point of view. Let’s say you live in peace and happiness. You have God without the borrowed rules. Following rules that are all your own. You decide that you want the beer without feeling guilt, unhappiness or separation. You enjoy the beer without one trick from the mind.

You are doing what will make you happiest at that moment, all the while staying connected to God. You have chosen to experience life, to find out what it is that makes you you. You may be a bit tipsy, but happy tipsy; content in the knowing that God loves you, and he will never abandon you, no matter what it is that you do. Because now, now you know what your purpose is. You know that it is to find out who you are. It is to be the best you that you can be.

And the only way to do this is thru experience. How can one learn from reading about experiences and borrowing their beliefs? How? It can not happen. You will be destined for failure. You will never grow. And what good is that? What good? Where will your life lead you? To a path that is not yours, but rather that is taken by millions of others. Create your own path, write your own book, and be the individual you that you are meant to be. Do not allow your brain to scare you into thinking otherwise.

Experience life! Experiencing life is the biggest gift that you can give to God, the biggest gift that you, can give to you. Find your rules, find your morals, and test your life; test everything.

Find out who you are, and if you find out that what you test is not you, then pass it. Don’t continue. Live your moment, live your now, not someone else’s. 

Copyright © Tibu Thomas, INDIA (Tenny).

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