Monday, May 16, 2011

Chapter 7

The mind is never at peace, as it is a wonderful tool and is always working at top condition. It is like your heart, always beating. The problem is it works too well. Not only does it love to dwell in the past, but it loves to set up the future. The worst part about setting up future scenarios is that most of the time they are bad scenarios, focusing on the worst. Remember what I said earlier. The mind loves to center around thought processes that are negative in order to work at its full potential.

Janet goes to a job interview on Friday morning. Everything went well. Her interviewer told her that she would get the call in about a week or so to let her know if she is hired or not. That week was one of the slowest Janet ever experienced. She sat anxiously waiting a reply. Janet’s brain started working full force, coming up with various scenarios to what would happen should she get rejected. Rather than allow herself to think of only the best, she thought of the worst. Worry, fear and doubt began to settle in. the entire week was one in which she sat in pain. The next Friday came around, and the call came in congratulating Janet on her new job.

Do you see that happened? Janet’s disconnection from peace was an entire waste of time; it always is. Nothing was accomplished with her thinking, and she ended up getting the job anyway.

In order to remain in peace and love, we must maintain a positive outlook in all that we do. Negativity is not of god, it is of the mind. Practicing positivism in all you do is allowing yourself to trust that all is well.

Why should we allow ourselves to dwell in lower energies; in energies of sadness, worry, or doubt? What comes out of that? Nothing; and yet we waste our energy in it. The only thing negativity does is disconnect you from the divine, with feelings of pain and worry. It leaves the world and happiness up to a source that will never come through for you.

In order to remain at peace with yourself, you must stay at your highest being. You must remain in spirit, at all times. Try to remember that as you walk forward through your day. Release fear, sadness, and doubt. Release the negativity. Just remember, whenever you have thoughts of negativity in any way, these are not thoughts that are of god. These are of the mind. Take that thought and change it in to a positive one.

The future is never guaranteed. Rather than dwell on these negative what ifs, change them into positive ones, and sit in peace knowing that only good things are to come. That knowing, that trust makes the big difference.

Whenever you feel that the mind is taking control, and you can’t seem to get it back, take a deep breathe and center yourself. Try your best to calm the mind by letting the feelings pass. Just listen to them, but do not conduct dialogue. If you allow a discussion to go about in your mind, you will notice that you will remain in suffering. The way to come out of it is to allow it to pass. Just ignore it. It is not easy at first, but with practice it gets better.

The easiest way to get in the habit of putting the mind on pause is to make it a daily habit to become aware of the mind as a separate entity from your true self. The mind is not conditioned to be paused; you have to show it. Become aware of the fact that you are not your thoughts. You are something more, the spirit. It only needs to be recognized. Throughout the day make it a habit to be aware. Watching, listening.

Next, once you have recognized that you are not your thoughts, you can work at pausing them. The best way to pause your mind is to never ever feeding it. Never discuss, never argue. Just allow it to be, but ignore it. Know that it is there To analyze. That is its job.

The mind is there to work at critiquing, making judgments (both good and bad), and to digest information. It is needed for several tasks, but it is always your choice which tasks you want to use it for.

Most of what you do can be done in silence; in non-thought, as most actions that we do have been learned and are produced automatically. Do you have to think about putting your key in the ignition when you start the car? No, it is automatic. What about eating your breakfast? No, that is automatic too.

Use your mind for those things that are necessary; learning new languages, reading a book, inventing algorithms. Let the mind do its work when it is meant to. Then let the spirit take over, every other time.

Depression, sadness, loneliness, unhappiness; all negative emotion is brought about from disconnection from the divine. The mind will grab at anything and everything to create stress over. It is never at peace unless you force it to be. You must condition it to become still. It takes practice. Without this practice your mind will work full force creating the barrier that separates you from god.

As you go through your daily life, keep one thing in mind; practice is essential. Becoming still will not happen over night. Your mind has practiced the exact opposite for years. Always needing something to think about, something to work against. It takes hold creating upset as much as it can. The key is to accept that moment, and let it pass. Spirit will calm you, it will come through.

When we center within ourselves, we connect to peace. That is the objective. We want to make sure that emotion never takes control. When an emotion, or fear, or sadness is presented, close your eyes, take a breath and blank out. Do not think. Just feel the peace. Focus on the peace.

Practice by putting your mind on pause those moments you are in line at the store, while you are in the car, and in traffic. Anytime that the brain is not necessary, put it on pause. The only reason we need it is to run the body, and to analyze things. Know that most of what we do is automatic. There is no need to be analytical to sit in peace.

Copyright © Tibu Thomas, INDIA (Tenny).

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