Saturday, May 21, 2011

Chapter 9

We remove pain and suffering from our lives when we remove those barriers that keep us away from who we truly are; peace and love.

When deep breathing doesn’t work, and the anxieties and stresses remain, do whatever you can to distract yourself. Try your best to make yourself happy.

One of the ways that we can do this is through the use of music. Put the radio on or pop in one of your favorite CD’s. At first you may not feel the effects of the music, but after a few minutes, you will notice the effects it has on you.

Alissa was having the worst time centering herself that day. No matter what she tried, she could not get back into the peace. The brain seemed to be in full control. Rather than dwell in the suffering, she decided to put her favorite music on and dance. Within minutes the pain went away.

When you are listening to music, and feel that happiness, that love, take it with you on your daily life. Don’t let it go when you’re not listening to it. Allow that happiness to continue, to become your very being.

Remain in your center in any way possible. Do you like to draw? Then pull out the supplies and get to it! When we start to become stressed, we forget the peace. We forget those things that bring us peace. It is then that you need them the most. Whether it is through the use of music, drawing, prayer, watching TV, singing, or dance, just “be.” And never stop “being.” Walk in spirit in all that you do, and you will reap the benefits. Pain and suffering will become less and less a part of your life.

Always remain happy. If it means you listen to music from the beginning of the day to the end, then so be it. If wrestling makes you happy, wrestle! If the internet makes you happy, then go online!  Just do whatever it is that keeps you connected. There are so many ways to connect to happiness, and it is up to you to find that connection yourself.

Anil loves to go on the internet as his source of fun. He does it in all his spare time. But his mother finds something wrong with this. She comments to him every time she sees him, ‘You are wasting away your life on that computer.’ Anil explains to his mother that that keeps him happy, it’s what he enjoys. ‘We should always stay happy Mom.’

Yes, life isn’t all about the internet, but we should try to always remain happy, no matter what we do. If you can practice happiness at least 50% of the day, you will see that 50% slowly becomes 60, and it progresses until finally, you see that you are nothing but. Just start. Start to be the best you, you possibly can be.
 With positive thinking, come feelings of happiness; that happiness is God. This is why we must strive to get rid of the hold of the mind if we are to ever connect fully to spirit.

Do not allow your mind to take a hold of you by producing thoughts of negativity. All this does is enforce the barrier between you and the divine spirit within. It is by paying attention to the tricks of the mind that we disconnect from God. Knowing this, we must make it a daily practice to reduce its power. We must strive for perfection, until one day, it is gone, and the real you is all that is seen, both inside and out. Its hard work at first, but you can do it! With time, positive thinking becomes automatic!

Copyright © Tibu Thomas, INDIA (Tenny).


  1. Greetings! I came across your blog on the blindian net page. I honestly appreciate how you're choosing to share your spiritual lessons publicly, amounting to what one can assume is a calling of yours, a blessing. Thank you for sharing. I personally have been incorporating similar philosophies into my life, and and blessed to be a part of a community that practices these lessons as well, in particular those delivered through Sri Sri Ravi Shankar. I am personally not a devotee of any person in this plane, but I am so happy to be sharing the light of his wisdoms at the Art of Living center in NYC. I am just writing to reach out as a kindred spirit. I understand that this might not be a publishable comment, but would love to keep in touch. In peace... Sala

  2. Thank you for the comment.. Its a blessings to find like minded travelers :) bless you... and it is my pleasure to keep in touch as well.. :)
