Friday, May 6, 2011

Chapter 1

The natural state of a person is one in which we flow in bliss.  Traveling thru life smoothly, as a river does; floating thru experiences, learning and growing. But rather than float thru experiences, we tend to hold on to them, grab onto all the boulders that come in our way. We sit in suffering, we sit in pain. Pain and suffering seems to have become a part of us; a part of who we are.

Our parents, friends, peers, and society teach that we must accept it. According to them, pain and suffering is natural. We are sent to counseling, and psychiatric sessions as a result of this acceptance. Mental hospitals are filled to overflowing, as doctors try to figure out what has gone wrong. Pharmaceutical companies reap the benefits of a society that just doesn’t know how to deal with the pain. Instead of trying to extinguish the suffering, we are taught to cover it, never truly working on the base. We are taught to drug ourselves and allow the drug to push the time forward into peace. This is how we deal with it. This is how we cope.

Religion works to pacify the pain by painting the big picture of what is to come. We sit in anticipation of the unconditional love and peace that only heaven can bring; anxiety free nights, depression free days. This is what we look forward to. This is what calms us as we try to rationalize all of the pain.

It is only when we reach heaven that we are allowed true connection to God. We can be involved in that piece of God that holds all of the peace and happiness that is promised when we are to reach heaven. We will be at peace only thru death. Until then, we must endure.

We rationalize heaven as bliss only attained thru suffering. Peaceful moments are all that we see, as communities get along. Everyone loves each other. A world in which no one is living in the fear that is so prevalent all around us. Ah, heaven; A dream world, something to look forward to. But no, heaven can not be now. We are living this life, and because of it, we have to suffer.

Anger, hate, jealousy, and sadness remain. Where is the peace? If we are truly made in the image of God, why are there so many barriers? Why are we so disconnected?

Where is God thru all of this, while we are suffering? Where is God?

We sit in mass, church and other religious meetings with the hopes of learning something that will give us direct connection to God; something that will help us to be all that God wants us to be. But it seems so hard. How are we supposed to be like Jesus, Mother Theresa, and any other saint we have learned are nothing but love? These people seem to be far and few. “Let him slap the other cheek,” Jesus says. But why should I let someone slap me after slapping me once?! And if I do, how do I let someone beat me twice while maintaining peace and forgiveness? What about my feelings? It hurts getting slapped!

Religious leaders say, “Endure!”  “Endure the pain.” But in reality we just want to tell them, “You endure it! I’m tired of enduring!” Many times we just want to give up. Life just doesn’t seem worth it.

Let’s not even mention all of the killing, stealing, and hate that runs rampant now a days. How can we become all that God wants us to be with so much hate out there?  How can we ever unconditionally love others if this is the way it is to be? Am I supposed to love the man that comes and steals my car? And how do I forgive my best friend after he has lain down with my wife? This forgiveness stuff is not easy. It sounds easy when people talk about it, but actions are so much louder than words.

We want so bad to become all that God wants us to be, but it just doesn’t seem possible.

Well guess what? I believe that it is possible. It is simply a matter of getting rid of the barriers that keep you away from the God within (But then, is it that simple to get rid of it? It needs constant practice, work). The problem is we have forgotten who we are. We just need someone to remind us. Remind us that we are just as Jesus was. The only thing that stops us from realizing this, are the barriers holding us back from our true potential.

God is within.  I know this seems like a crazy statement. I mean, how can God be inside of us? Well he is, and my truth will give you a glimpse at how to connect to god on a daily basis, as many times as you want to. Eventually, with hard work, and perseverance, you become one with spirit. You are able to maintain a whole new way of life; a life of direct connection to God, a life of spirit, a life of unconditional love and abundance.

So are you ready to transform your life? Are you ready to break down those barriers that hold us back from being the true individual that we were meant to be? Are you ready for direct connection to God? If you are ready, then I am ready to show you a path, a path to connection.

Copyright © Tibu Thomas, INDIA (Tenny).


  1. Ebb & Flow of Energy

    It relates to many cultures that have existed upon our

    earth plane.From our perspective the moment should b expanded

    beyond the boundaries that have been put n place by time.

    Its also important n the giving to allow for the

    receiving of energy to b n place.Its a moment of respect for

    the self to receive others who wish to give to u.

    Everything n our universe is based on give and take of

    energy.This concept goes right down to the atoms and

    molecules that create the reality we all exist within.

    Remember to open ur energy to the concept of receiving.

    Its impossible n the linear to continue giving energy without

    the possibility of receiving.So enjoy the moment of emphasis

    and continue to create.

    The universe n its solidarity is counting upon the


    Be kind to others and urself

    It is the only way."

  2. I know I get lengthy when I'm into reading something like this

  3. thank you for the comment.. give and receive.. :) namaste

  4. thanks for sharing, Tenny, God exists, the proof is us. let us continue to grow dear and learn of life. hugs

  5. Good blog. I look forward to read more posts.
