Saturday, May 7, 2011

Chapter 5

Each and every one of us is born in love and bliss. But as we grow, we start to forget that bliss. It is sometime between the time we are born and 3 that the minds power is first introduced. The child experiences this power for the first time and the first layer of barrier is placed between him and love. As the child gets older, the barrier’s strength gets enforced.

It is those around that child which teach that child to listen to the ‘brain’ and thus to the thoughts, the mind; they show the child that it is proper to live in that division. But, it is not their fault. They are only following the example given to them. With each experience where the mind is allowed to overpower spirit, that very power is strengthened. As the power grows, so does the barrier to love. The barrier gets stronger and stronger, and harder and harder to bring down.

Following the mind, seems the natural state of consciousness to many. Everyone is doing what everyone else is doing. So the power of the mind remains. With exception to those that are introduced into a different way of living; a different way of being. Something, or shall I say someone, that pulls him away from this way of living.

One example is Jesus. Jesus is a prime example of one who lived in spirit. Other examples are Ramana Maharshi, and Mother Teresa. These are those that know what living in love is. And the irony of it is these people weren’t super heroes, they just chose love. Whenever faced with the power of the mind, they chose love. They knew the natural state of being, they knew the truth. They remembered, and they practiced.

One of the strongest enforcers of the mind is the belief that adhering to a set religion, or universal truth is the only way.  When you realize this fact, then you will have no where to turn, but within. It is then that you will truly experience God; fear will be dissolved, and you will truly experience the bliss.

One can not find the way if he already has all of the answers. The search for true connection, true knowledge, begins with an open heart; open to whatever comes its way, and a willingness to test it in ones daily life to see if that is part of his or her own individuality.

Try your best to remember that living for others will never allot you true happiness. You are an individual version of God. If you are to follow others beliefs or guidance, without fully believing in them yourself, you will walk disconnected. You will never be able to connect fully to your divinity. You will never reach your highest potential, your highest good. By living a life of solitude and guidance all of your own, you are able to make choices which benefit your highest good, rather than the good of those around you. In turn, your connection to God will be mighty and strong; not partial. And you will be able to grow in love, and in happiness.

There are certain experiences that you must go through before you can truly connect to God; events that must happen in your life, which bring you closer to understanding. When you choose to follow someone else’s idea of happiness you are stopping your self from experiencing what you are supposed to experience while you are here. You are halting your growth, and understanding of the world.

As mentioned previously, connection to God is inherent within each and every one of us. But we must distinguish the unnecessary processes of the mind, for without truly letting them go, we will never truly be happy.

You are an individualization of God, and to be this, to walk in your true form, you must follow your inner guide; your consciousness. Open your mind to possibilities behind your range of thought. It is only then, that the spirit within can work its true teaching. Get into the excitement of life, and become one with God! 

Copyright © Tibu Thomas, INDIA (Tenny).

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