Sunday, August 7, 2011

Chapter 11

The mind loves to use the power of the past to keep itself busy. It uses it by making comparisons between the present and the past. If you are not able to sit in peace, then it is the mind that is the cause. By comparing one moment to a past moment, the mind is giving itself things to think about, rather then allowing you to sit in the newness of that moment.

Lilian went to Wheel’s restaurant to eat their famous Barbeque ribs. Once she got there she found out the recipe changed. Rather than enjoy the new recipe, which was really good, she dwelled in the past recipe instead. She was upset and bothered by the fact they had changed it.

The mind used its power to keep in control. If she had just enjoyed the new recipe, she would have left full and happy. Now she is unsatisfied.

This is how the mind works. It uses the past as a reference point on how happy you should be. Each moment is a new one. Keep your awareness open. Allow new experiences. Don’t shut them out because they are not a repeat performance of the past. Treasure the newness of this one. See it, recognize it. Be grateful for it.

By thanking the universe you are in that moment. You are fully there in appreciation allowing you to move forward to the next step to being the best that you can be; to connection.

Get in the habit of being thankful for anything and everything. Do you have a lovely voice? Be thankful for it! Do you have the ability to cook? Be thankful for it! Be thankful for anything that you are, and anything that makes you happy. Not only does this keep you in the moment, but it multiplies all that you have! God loves you. And when you thank him, he gives you more! He wants you happy! Just get rid of the over coming power of the mind to think negative, and be thankful for this moment! Recognize all of the beauty that surrounds you. Recognize that you have these things!

Go to the mirror. Look at yourself. Notice all of the things to be thankful for; your sight, your hearing, your hands for touch, and nose for smell.  We take so many of these for granted. Not everyone has all of the abilities. It’s important that you recognize that.

By being thankful for this moment, you guarantee more of them in your life. You show the universe that these things are important to you. Thank the universe for the glory that makes you you!

Thank you! Thank you for another great day! Thank you for my mother, my father, my sisters, and brothers! Thank you for my car and my house. Thank you for my television and computer. Thank you for this book!  Thank you for allowing me to hear my baby crying. Thank you for letting me see the sun rising! Thank you for the legs that take me where I need to go! Thank you, thank you!

Another thing that will help you through your day as you reduce the power the mind has over you is affirmations.

Affirmations are simply your best thoughts that you repeat to yourself either out loud or in your head, which keep you on the path to where you are headed. We are a product of what we read, see and hear. And by putting the best thoughts in front of you at all times, you are becoming the person that you want to be.

Ernesto was feeling nervous before the big exam. He felt anxious, and could barely breathe. Upon the onset of his anxiety he began to tell himself, “I am a success” over and over again. This calmed him, and he was able to remember what he studied and pass the test with flying colors.

Affirmations help to calm the mind by reminding you that all is perfect and you have no need to worry. They remind you that those negative feelings that you are feeling are due to the mind. Affirmations are great to help you along your way.

Whenever you are feeling down, just take your highest thoughts and write them down on paper. Try writing, “I am happy.” Go ahead. Get some paper. Write it down. Write it down as many times as you need to in order to believe it. You will notice that it will become your reality.

Do you crave peace? Affirm “I am peace,” or the exact opposite of whatever you are feeling, what you are stressing over.  Say it aloud until you start to feel the effects.

Many of the principles that I am trying to introduce to you in this book, are hard to believe at first. But in time, with practice, you will believe. Stay focused on the outcome. Put it into practice, and you will be happy with the results.

Copyright © Tibu Thomas, INDIA (Tenny).

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