Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Chapter 14

Make the commitment to never allow another moment of anxiety or worries enter your life. Only be. This is your key to freedom. This is the key to being one with your maker. When you realize the oneness with God, you will be the peace; you will be the happiness.

Become one with the energy within. This is God, this is spirit. Breathe. Take in all that God is around you. One of the best affirmations that have used in the past which produce this knowing is “I am one with God.”  

Need something? No need to worry about it, no need to think. Just be. Connect to your core. Connect to the God within. Allow him to shine through. He will show you the steps you must take to dispel the issue at hand. No thought. No worry. Just be, and become that direct connection to God. Become one with God by calming thought. No need to vocalize your wishes. No need to connect with God in any other way but through the silence.

When you reach God through the silence, you are in direct communication with God. You don’t have to think. Your thoughts, your wishes are in accordance with his, in the silence. His force will propel you forward into becoming all that it is that you want to be. Only be, and you will realize the God within. Affirm: “I am one with God” until the thought disappears, and a new calm settles. This is when you can guarantee that God within is working and is listening. Just be! Don’t think, be!

“I am one with God, I am one with God.” This is the only prayer you will ever need. “I am one with God.” Say it over and over again until you start to feel it. You will begin to see the direct connection. Miracles start occurring, thoughts turn into reality. “I am one with God. I am one with God.”

Copyright © Tibu Thomas, INDIA (Tenny).